Language Manipulation in Western Propaganda on China

Maitreya Bhakal
3 min readFeb 15, 2021


  • China doesn’t fire officials, it “purges” them
  • Corrupt Chinese officials don’t get convicted for corruption, they “lose power struggles”
  • China doesn’t punish corrupt officials, it “nets” them
  • Chinese leaders don’t strengthen laws, they “concentrate power”
  • China doesn’t give out loans, it “traps” countries in debt
  • China has “state media outlets”, other countries have “public service broadcasters”
  • China does “propaganda”, other countries do “communications”
  • Chinese leaders don’t want their country to prosper peacefully, they are “obsessed with stability”
  • Countries and international organizations don’t praise China, they pander to its “increasing global influence”
  • Chinese people don’t attend rallies, they “descend” upon them
  • Chinese media doesn’t report news, it reports “propaganda”
  • China doesn’t revise counting methodologies, it “under-reports” cases
  • China doesn’t treat patients, it “rounds them up
  • China doesn’t enforce quarantines, “it enforces “lockdowns”
  • China doesn’t requisition private hospitals during a health emergency by passing laws, it “seizes” them
  • Chinese companies don’t innovate, they “steal IP”
  • Chinese people are not patriotic, they’re “brainwashed”
  • China’s government doesn’t face governance challenges, they face “threats” to their rule
  • China “seizes” hospitals and hotels during a pandemic, other countries “nationalize” them
  • Chinese provinces don’t win PISA tests, they “selectively nominate the best schools”
  • China is not good at AI, it simply has “loose privacy controls” and the “largest datasets”
  • Chinese athletes don’t win medals, they are “picked from school, often against their parents’ wishes” and train in “secretive” training camps
  • CCTV is not more popular than BBC on Facebook, it “fools algorithms” and creates “bogus followers”
  • China doesn’t ban the import of addictive drugs like Opium — it “renounces free trade”
  • Chinese celebrities don’t love their country and post patriotic messages on social media — they “pander” to the CCP and “nationalistic” fans
  • HK rioters don’t storm and destroy LegCo — the HK police “stand back” and let them do it
  • HK rioters don’t beat and burn and kill civilians, commit arson, build bombs, destroy subway stations, set fire to buildings, block traffic — they “retaliate” against police brutality
  • Western countries don’t have nuclear weapons, they have “nuclear deterrents”
  • US corporations don’t bribe politicians, they “lobby” them
  • White people in non-white countries are “expats”. Non-white people in white countries are “immigrants” or “refugees”
  • Unfriendly countries don’t have governments, they have “regimes”
  • Citizens of unfriendly countries don’t display “patriotism”, they display “nationalism”
  • The US has Bushes, a Clintons, and Trumps, other countries have “powerful families”, “clans”, and “princelings”
  • Spain “nationalizes” hospitals. China “seizes” them.
  • When the US does it, it “ignored experts’ warnings”. When China does it, it’s a “cover up”.
  • China launches “propaganda” — while the US launches a “communications plan”
  • China “hoards” medical supplies, Canada “reserves” them.
  • Dissidents who kill white people are terrorists and murderers and deserve to be killed extrajudicially in cold blood; terrorists who kill non-white people are dissidents and activists who deserve free speech and a fair trial.

Original Twitter thread, with examples and links:

Also published at India’s China Blog



Maitreya Bhakal

Writing about Current Affairs, Past Affairs, and Foreign Affairs — especially about India and China